Jeff/Stu Kiesow

Profile Updated: March 30, 2019
Jeff/Stu Kiesow
Residing In: Chicago, IL USA
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Yes! Attending Reunion
Favorite WBHS Memory:

The numerous awards I've received and records I've set in both academics and athletics over my four year career. All of which remain unbroken to this day. least that's how I remember it.

Embarrassing WBHS Memory:

Probably having to wear the school supplied swim trunks in Phy Ed. You never make a mistake like that again.

Furthest You've Traveled:


The Coolest Thing You've Done Since WBHS:

Though I believe my high school career was as cool as I'll ever be, the overall experience of buying a home in Chicago and building my career has been a pretty cool experience.


Still Have Family In WB?


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Mar 30, 2019 at 9:28 PM